Lidia Armelao

Board of Directors

Immagine President

Degree in Chemistry cum laude and PhD in Chemical Sciences from Padova University. Post-doc fellow in Paris (UPMC) and visiting scientist in Canada (University of Western Ontario). She is currently Director of the Department of Chemical Sciences and Materials Technologies of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and President of the Inorganic Chemistry Division of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). She has been appointed as expert in evaluation panels and as scientific coordinator and unit chair for national and international research projects. The scientific activity concerns the area of chemistry and materials for green and energy transitions. Publications include more than 250 papers. She has been invited to present more than 40 lectures at national and international conferences, including initiatives on STEM disciplines. She is member of Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti and in 2023 she received the Distinguished Women in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Award from the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.


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Contact Info

National Biodiversity Future Center
VAT number IT07058500823 – C.F. 07058500823
Piazza Marina, 61 90133 Palermo – Italy
NBFC is subject to the split payment

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National Biodiversity Future Center

Biodiversity constitutes the network of life, it is important to preserve it: this was the start of NBFC


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