1° Rapporto Annuale sulla Biodiversità in Italia

In occasione della Giornata Mondiale della Biodiversità, NBFC presenta il 1° rapporto annuale sulla biodiversità in Italia.

1° Rapporto Annuale sulla Biodiversità in Italia

National Biodiversity Future Centre

The National Biodiversity Future Center aims to monitor, conserve, restore, and valorize (MCRV) Italian and Mediterranean biodiversity.



Urban environment and health

Communication and impact

Structure of the Center

To manage and develop such a complex collaboration network, the Center was designed following the Hub&Spoke model, which is divided into 6 thematic Spokes dedicated to the sea, land and wetlands, and cities. To these are added 2 cross spokes dedicated respectively to training, communication, knowledge sharing, and innovation and policies also through international connections. The core element of NBFC is the multidisciplinary scientific knowledge and expertise of researchers, the wide availability of information aggregated in the Biodiversity Digital Platform, and the close link with the territory (protected areas, businesses, institutions). A key element of the center is the link with local intervention structures and citizens (Citizen Science) through dedicated projects and specific knowledge tools. It is possible to collaborate with the center both through research and innovation calls dedicated to specific projects and through national and international protocols and collaboration agreements aimed at enhancing research and innovation and transforming them into value for biodiversity and the territory.

Image Monitor


Image Preserve


Image Restore


Image Valorise


Hub & Spoke model

The National Biodiversity Future Center is one of the five national centers dedicated to frontier research involving institutions and businesses throughout Italy.

To manage and develop such a complex collaborative network, the Center was designed following the Hub&Spoke model.

The center is divided into 6 thematic spokes dedicated to the sea, land and wetlands, and cities. These are supported by transversal spokes dedicated to training, communication, knowledge sharing, and innovation with the aim of transforming research into value for society.


Events & News

Contact Info

National Biodiversity Future Center
VAT number IT07058500823 – C.F. 07058500823
Piazza Marina, 61 90133 Palermo – Italy
NBFC is subject to the split payment

Icon Mailhub_nbfc@pec.it

Icon Mailhub@nbfc.it

National Biodiversity Future Center

Biodiversity constitutes the network of life, it is important to preserve it: this was the start of NBFC


National Biodiversity Future Center. Copyright © 2023. All rights reserved.

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